If you are building a home in a location where you will not be able to connect to the local sewer grid, you are going to need to install a septic system. Here are four things that you should take into consideration when deciding where to put your septic tank and leaching field.

#1 Landscape

One of the first things you are going to want to figure out is how you want to landscape your property. You are not going to want to put trees that have deep roots near your where your septic tank is located. Deep roots are one of the easiest ways to tear up and ruin a perfectly good septic tank. Tree roots search out water and go as deep as needed to get it. Tree roots are often the common culprit behind damaged septic tanks.

Map out and figure out how you want to landscape your yard now and in the future. This will help you determine better where you want your septic tank located. Keep in mind you should also not put your septic tank anywhere you want to park or put up playground equipment or an above ground pool in the future.

#2 Tank Size

The second thing you need to take into consideration is the size of the tank that you want to use. Think about the size of your family now, the size of your family in the future, and how often you will have guests over. For example, if you are a family of two right now, and you want to have children in the future, it makes financial sense to put in a large tank now instead of installing a large one down the road when your family grows but long before your smaller septic tank has reached the end of its useable life.

Plan the tank size based on how you'll use your home now and into the future as well.

#3 Permits

Third, you need to make sure that you get the right permits before having the septic tank installed. Different tanks will have different rules and regulations that you are going to need to follow in regards to tank placement, construction and verification of the project. In many states, you need to have your local health department inspect the tank and declare that it is up to code. Your septic tank installer should be able to help you obtain the permits that you need for your area for installing a septic tank. 

For more information about septic tanks and services for septic pumping, contact a septic contractor in your area. 
